
My Guru

My Guru
Bhakti Yog Rasavatar Jagadguruttam Sri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

Monday, August 9, 2010

Do we hear the mother's cry?


This time I choose a topic that is very important for the protection and preservation of the Vedic culture of Bharat(India).

Vedic culture is the oldest, most peaceful and nature friendly culture on this planet.

The Vedic culture has long been supported by some strong pillars. One of the most important pillars of Sanatana Dharma(Vedic hindu culture) is the holy COW. In fact some would go to the extent of saying that the holy COW is at the very center or core of Hinduism. And I guess I am not debating it. The importance of cows in the Vedic culture cannot be stressed upon enough.

The Hindu scriptures revere the cow as the mother. "She" is to be treated with utmost respect, love and gratitude. However, it is really sad that most of us are not adhering to this instruction of the rishis and sages of yore.

Today animals are being brutally killed to satisfy our taste buds. They are being killed mercilessly to extract leather and make shoes, bags, belts, wallets, jackets etc out of it. Neither things made of leather nor eating meat is at all necessary for human life. And yet, leather items and meat are sold and bought in large quantities.

I am writing this article for animal protection. And specifically for the protection of cows.

Severed head of several cows

Cows are being brutally killed

The humble and sacred Mother Cow is being cruelly butchered and killed in various parts of Bharat(India) and all over the world. This breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes. This is the land where Lord Krishna is worshiped by billions. One of the many names of Lord Krishna happens to be Gopal i.e the one who protects and sustains the holy cow. If Krishna, who was God in a human avatar, loved and respected the cows then how do we have the audacity to disrespect and kill cows!

Gopala(Lord Krishna) with cows

All the sacred deities reside within the holy Cow

The 33 billion devis and devatas(33 billion aspects of God and deities) are believed to reside within Mother Cow. Killing such a sacred being is an act of sin.

On a more physical level, cows were the financial backbone of Bharat. Bharat was indeed the Golden bird(the richest civilization). It was all because of the holy cow. The farms and fields were full of abundant crops because the highly effective cow dung manure was used for farming unlike the harmful chemical fertilizers used today. There was no dearth of food.

Cow's milk was obtained in plenty and further products were derived from it e.g yogurt, ghee(clarified butter) and butter. These products were not only good for health but were also used for Vedic rituals(ghee). They created further economic abundance in the society.

Not only are cow dung and cow's milk full of benefits, but even cow's urine is very valuable.

"gavyam pavitram ca rasayanam ca pathyam ca hrdyam balam buddhi syata
aayuh pradam rakt vikar hari tridosh hridrog vishapaham syata"

Meaning: Cow urine panchgavya is great elixir, proper diet, pleasing to heart, giver of mental and physical strength, enhances longevity. It balances bile, mucous and airs. Remover of heart diseases and effect of poison.

1.Cow urine has amazing germicidal power to kill varieties of germs. All germ generated diseases are thus destroyed.

2.According to Ayurveda the cause of all diseases is the imbalance in three faults (tri-dosas) i.e. mucous, bile and air. Cow urine balances the tri-dosas, thus diseases are cured.

3.Cow urine corrects functioning of liver. So, liver makes healthy pure blood. It gives disease resistance power to the body.

4.There are some micronutrients in our body, which give life strength. These micronutrients are flushed out through urine. Therefore gradually ageing steps in our body. Cow urine has all elements, which compensate for deficiency of nutrients in our body, which are required for healthy life. Thus Cow urine stops ageing process. So it is called an elixir and also life giving.

5.Cow urine contains many minerals especially Copper, gold salts, etc. It compensates for bodily mineral deficiency. Presence of gold salts protects body against diseases.

6.Mental tension hurts nervous system. Cow urine is called medhya and hradya, which means it, gives strength to brain and heart. Thus cow urine protects heart and brain from damages caused by mental tension and protects these organs from disorders and diseases.

7.Excessive use of any medicine leaves some residue in our body. This residue causes diseases. Cow urine destroys the poisonous effects of residues and makes body disease free.

8.Electric currents (rays) which are present in the environment keep our body healthy. These rays in form of extremely small currents enter our body through Copper in our body. We get Copper from cow urine. To attract these electric waves is quality of Copper. Thus we become healthy.

9.By acting against the voice of soul (immoral & sinful action), the heart and mind become narrow minded. Due to this the functioning of body is effected and causes diseases. Cow urine provides mode of goodness(Satwic mind). Thus helps us to perform correct activities by mind. Thus protects from diseases.

10.In scriptures some diseases are said to be due to sinful actions performed in previous lives which we have to bear. Ganga resides in cow urine. Ganga is destroyer of sins, thus cow urine destroys such previous sins and so diseases are cured.

11.By regularly taking cow urine before sickness, we get so much immunity that any attack of diseases is repulsed.

12.Cow urine being miraculous poison destroyer, destroys the disease caused by poison (Toxin). Extremely dangerous chemicals are purified by cow urine. Cow urine provides immunity power by increasing resistance power against diseases in human body. It is anti toxin.

13."Sarve rogaah hi mandagnau" All diseases begin with mandagni (Low fire i.e. digestive capacity). If fire is strong, diseases won't occur. Cow urine keeps the fire strong.

Hence, in spiritual as well as physical terms the holy cow needs to be protected. That is the only way to make Bharat peaceful and prosperous again.

It may not be possible for all of us to keep a cow at home. However, we can certainly do a few things to encourage the protection and well being of cows.

1) Start consuming cow's milk instead of Cola drinks, alcoholic beverages, tea and coffee.

2) Feed the cows on the street if possible so that they don't end up eating plastic bags and other garbage to satiate their hunger at the cost of their well being.

3) Donate some money every month or at least once every quarter to a Goshala(a place where cows are kept and cared for) to maintain at least one cow. Those of us who can afford more than that should not hesitate to do so in the least.

4) Those of us who have houses big enough to keep one or more than one cow at home should immediately do that. I am not talking about the hybrid American cows. I am talking about the Indian cows.

5) Stop eating meat as soon as we can and request(humbly and lovingly) our friends and family members to do the same(without being too pushy of course).

6) Try to avoid the usage of leather as much as possible.

Let us take the initiative to protect animals, especially the holy cow. Let us not wait for the government to do something.

We need to build and encourage Goshalas

Sacred Mother Cow

I pray to God that COW, the holy mother is protected. May this land of Bharat prosper once again with the blessings of the holy cow. May Bharat share that prosperity with the whole world. May I get a chance to serve cows. I offer my humble pranams at the feet of Gou Mata(Mother Cow).

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!
Servant of Radha Rani

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