
My Guru

My Guru
Bhakti Yog Rasavatar Jagadguruttam Sri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

Monday, January 18, 2010

Does materialistic culture really work?


Today we find a mad race for money going all over the world.

Lots and lots of poison are being released into the atmosphere e.g industrial smoke and plastic bags.

Thousands upon thousands of birds and animals are killed cruelly to make those chicken burgers and other non-vegetarian food items that many of us are so fond of.

We are constantly bombarded with solicitations and advertisements from all directions which brainwash us into believing that we can be happy in life if we drive expensive cars, look slim, own a big house and keep up with the latest fashion trends.

We are subtly and cunningly made to believe that it is “okay” and even “cool” to smoke, drink, party and be obsessed with how we want our bodies to look.

We are constantly exposed to violence, lust and aggressive music on television.

All the electronic items that are dumped don’t get recycled completely. Most of them make up a big part of the poisonous trash on the planet.

And by the way all this was supposed to make us “HAPPY”. Does it? Ofcourse not. Infact at the end of the day this kind of lifestyle leaves us deeply angry, frustrated, restless and full of despair.

Fortunately, we have GOOD NEWS. This materialistic way of living life which only aims at satisfying the five senses of the body at any cost is not the only option we have. We have another option. We have a choice of living life in a different way. It may not look very “attractive” to begin with. However, if adopted, this “other” lifestyle will surely give us that peace which we all long for along with a feeling of fulfillment.

Welcome to the VEDIC LIFESTYLE……..

Vedas are a vast bank of knowledge. This knowledge was gifted to the sages aeons ago at the beginning of creation for the upliftment and well being of all mankind. They are like the user manual for life.

However, it is not easy for everyone to read and understand the Vedas. There is one thing that all of us can do though. We can understand the basic values of the Vedic Culture.

1) Loving everyone irrespective of the differences.

2) Giving as much attention to the body as is needed for its healthy existence. Nothing more than that. Why? Because according to the Vedic Knowledge, we are not our bodies. We are merely using the bodies we have to live in this physical world temporarily. Hence, it makes no sense to be identified with the body or to be attached to it. The Vedas remind us to respect our bodies and take care of them however, to be detached from them at the same time.

3) Keep our desires and wants in check. This does not mean that we starve and suffocate ourselves. This simply means that we don’t get manipulated by the mind’s hundreds of desires. Whenever we “want” something, we must analyze whether we really need it. The lesser we desire, the lighter we feel.

4) Lovingly chant any name of God that we like with faith and love as much as we can during the day.

5) Refrain from killing animals. Eat a pure “sattwic” vegetarian diet which doesn’t excite the body and mind beyond what is needed. Avoid intoxication of any kind completely.

6) Use our discernment while watching tv and surfing the internet. Avoid sights, sounds and even smells of anger, lust, greed etc as much as we can.

7) Love and respect the planet and all life forms on it including plants and animals.

8) Do not compare our material possessions with those of others. Envy should be kept away. Be content and satisfied with whatever we have.

9) Try to know “who we are”. Who we really are is not our bodies or even our minds. We are sparks of God. We are waves and God is the ocean. Our real nature is pure love and bliss. We are divine beings. When we realize this, then we stop expecting happiness from things and people around us. We still use the things when needed and we still relate to people around us. However, we feel so fulfilled from within that we don’t expect happiness from anything or anyone. We focus more on serving, loving and giving rather than demanding and expecting.

10) Offer all our thoughts, words, actions and their fruits to God. This way we will be free from Karma and will be able to transcend the vicious circle of birth and death. Therefore, we will merge back with God and will not be forced to take another birth in this world which is full of suffering.

Ofcourse Vedic knowledge is too vast to be summarized in these 10 points or any number of points. However, these 10 points mentioned above should give a fair idea of what we are discussing here.
TRY IT. IT WORKS!!!!!!!!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!
Servant of Radha Rani

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