
My Guru

My Guru
Bhakti Yog Rasavatar Jagadguruttam Sri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Heal the world

Mother Earth is crying out for healing! Why? Because we have done every possible thing to give pain to her.

We have cut down the trees and forests.

We have polluted the water.

We have polluted the air.

We have shed so much blood due to religious intolerance, political differences and greed.

We have killed animals to satisfy our taste buds and for other selfish purposes like extracting leather from their skin etc.

We have butchered and disrespected the holiest of all animals, COW.

As a result, the world is a mess. There is disease, war, pollution, disharmony and imbalance everywhere.

We need to wake up and understand that we cannot keep using the animals, people and natural resources out of selfishness and greed. We have to use the resources wisely and only as much as needed. We have to love the animals and especially our fellow human beings.

We need to purify our hearts by invoking God's love.

We need to fill the world with more and more love. Love will bring true joy.

And once we have love and joy in our hearts, we will be able to live in perfect harmony with the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom. Then and only then will Mother Earth be truely healed.

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